References to team Oracle A (Carter):

References directly from other objects:
Type of referer References

Associations with other objects:
Type of association Type of referer Type of anchor Anchor Associate
Divisions and Teams Division Competition Snooker League 17/18 Premier and Division 1
Divisions and Teams Division Competition Colin Cutler Memorial Trophy (1st Round) Colin Cutler Team Knockout Round 1
Divisions and Teams Division Competition Simonds Cup 17/18 Simonds Cup 17/18
Divisions and Teams Division Competition Colin Cutler Memorial Trophy (2ND ROUND) Colin Cutler Memorial Trophy (2nd Round)
Divisions and Teams Division Competition Colin Cutler Memorial Trophy 17/18 Colin Cutler Memorial Trophy 1/4 Finals
Subdivisions and Teams Subdivision Division Premier and Division 1 Division 1
Teams and Players Player Season ODBSA Snooker 2017/18 Marc Reynolds
Teams and Players Player Season ODBSA Snooker 2017/18 Alan Doherty
Teams and Players Player Season ODBSA Snooker 2017/18 Pete Machonochie
Teams and Players Player Season ODBSA Snooker 2017/18 Paul Carter
Teams and Players Player Season ODBSA Snooker 2017/18 Adam Luck