Location Date Competitor 1 Competitor 2 Result
Eynsham Sports And Social Club 2016-04-19 Gorden Cook Pete Fenn 1:0
Eynsham Sports And Social Club 2016-04-12 Rob Sellwood Pete Fenn 0:1
Eynsham Sports And Social Club 2016-04-12 Mark Trafford Gorden Cook 0:1
2016-03-25 Mark Trafford Tom Fletcher 250:203
Abingdon Conservative Club 2016-03-25 Lee Pratley Gorden Cook 0:1
Thame Snooker Club 2016-03-25 Rob Sellwood Roger Tomlin 250:205
Oxford Bowls Club 2016-03-25 Sid Ponting Pete Fenn 186:250
The New Club 2016-01-31 David White Mark Trafford 0:1