Where Highfield A (Blackman) Highfield B (Benwell) Js Sports Bar A (Merola) Littlemore C (Bough) Oracle A (Walker) Oracle B (Donkin) Thame B (White) Witney Woodstock
Highfield A (Blackman) Home 1:5
Away 1:5
Highfield B (Benwell) Home 0:6
Away 2:4
Js Sports Bar A (Merola) Home 3:3
Away 1:5
Littlemore C (Bough) Home 1:5
Away 2:4
Oracle A (Walker) Home 1:5
Away 0:6
Oracle B (Donkin) Home 1:5
Thame B (White) Home 5:1 4:2 5:1 4:2 6:0 2:4 2:4
Away 5:1 6:0 3:3 5:1 5:1 5:1 2:4 4:2
Witney Home 4:2
Away 4:2
Woodstock Home 2:4
Away 4:2


Results are displayed from the perspective of the team named in each column heading. So if the team named in the heading won a game 6:0, the score is shown as 6:0 in that team's column, regardless of whether they were home or away. But their opponent's column will show the same game as 0:6.

When it says 'Home', that means the team named in each column was at home for games in that row.