Location Date Competitor 1 Competitor 2 Result Comments
Oracle Pool and Snooker Club 2022-03-28 Oracle (Bough) Woodstock (Reeve) 3:3 Match postponed until 4/4/22 Due to Covid
Oracle Pool and Snooker Club 2022-03-21 Oracle (Bough) Oracle (Buttery) 3:3
Eynsham Sports And Social Club 2022-03-14 Eynsham (Ayres) Oracle (Bough) 2:4
Woodstock Social Club 2022-03-07 Woodstock (Reeve) Oracle (Bough) 3:3
Oracle Pool and Snooker Club 2022-02-21 Oracle (Bough) Eynsham (Ayres) 4:2